Why You Should Soundproof With Insulation

Most people know that insulation helps save energy, but did you know that it can also reduce unwanted noise? Open-celled spray foam insulation contains air pockets that trap sound waves, resulting in less noise pollution. You should soundproof with insulation if your property is near a playground, school, or airport; on a busy street; or has thin walls, loud A/C, or noisy pipes. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner looking to eliminate unwanted noise, discover why you should soundproof with insulation.
Playgrounds and Schools
Let’s face it: kids make noise. While yelling and laughter may be a sign that nearby kids are having fun, it can also be distracting. If you live near a park or school, you may want to consider soundproofing your home.
Busy Streets
Have you ever been woken up by a motorcycle racing down the street? Perhaps you own a business near a busy intersection. Whichever the case, nearby streets are a good excuse to take extra noise precautions.
Internal Building Noise
Another reason to soundproof with insulation is to deaden the noise caused by A/C units and water pipes. If you’d rather not hear the flush of a toilet, you may need to invest in insulation soundproofing.
Occupant Privacy
Do you have a teenager who loves to play drums? Are you a business owner who would rather not hear the meeting across the hall? Insulation can help to reduce the volume of family members and employees.
Airport Proximity
Setting up your business near an airport can be tempting since it often means higher customer traffic and lower property values. However, it also means dealing with the sound of planes flying overhead all day and night. Roof insulation in particular helps keep air traffic noise out of your home or workspace.
Don’t Wait: Insulate!
Call Paragon Protection today if you’re looking for spray foam insulation contractors in Crystal Lake or Chicagoland. We can save you countless hours of sleep and productivity by insulating your property from unwanted noise.